Homeschooling has been HARD. Very hard. We are starting out really easy-I want Gillian to regain her confidence. Last school year she completely shut down. Would not sound out words or anything. I have her back sounding out simple words now. I praise her like crazy and it seems to be working. We have also adapted a very hands-on math curriculum that so far she enjoys. I just hope it stays that way. Finding a way that works for both of us is a bit challenging. I think that will take months to achieve.
The night before school began, she started with a low grade temp. It ended up hitting her in the lungs-she had pneumonia for 4-5 weeks. With multiple doctor visits, 2 trips to the ER and after 2 rounds of both steroids and antibiotics she is well. She was not even responding to breathing treatments. It was the sickest she has been since she was about a year old. With the illness and the homeschooling it did not start out as smooth as I hoped. But still, we got lots accomplished, including meeting a couple of her IEP goals.
I am noticing she tends to start shutting down a little in the middle of the week, so we have made Wednesdays our art days. It is also the day we meet with her "Resource" teacher. So we just have fun those days, being the teacher works with her on serious stuff :) Originally I planned to do art on Fridays. Today we used masking tape on watercolor paper to make birch trees, and used watercolors. We added leaves and branches with a Pitt Pen (great black art pen) and colored pencils.
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